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About This Website

This website was developed (in 2008) in response to the needs identified by a consortium of public purchasers, who need practical information to ensure they meet the procurement requirements that are set out in the provincial Sustainable Development Act. The website is maintained by a public sector working group with expertise in public sector procurement and sustainable development.

Over the years, many private sector (non-government) businesses in Manitoba have expressed an interest in sustainable procurement and also look for practical tools to support their sustainable purchasing decisions. Further, these organizations have noted the need for a Manitoba based procurement resource that takes into consideration the environmental and social legislation important to Manitobans.  This website also provides residents with information on the environmental and social considerations that may be considered by public procurers during procurement decisions.

Information specific to provincial government and public sector organizations (eg. Crown Corporations, Reginal Health Authorities, Municipalities etc.), such as notifications to upcoming meetings, are available through membership access.

Funds for this website have been provided by Procurement Services Branch, Manitoba Finance.



The health and safety of workers and the public are the first priority in any environmental purchase or practice. Purchasing organizations are responsible for complying with all applicable codes, statutory and regulatory requirements. Any specifications presented are not intended to constitute or provide engineering, architectural, legal or other professional services or advice. Nor should the specifications be a substitute for such services or advice from an experienced professional directed to a specific design situation.

The contributors to the website are sharing their sustainable procurement knowledge and experience. They have endeavoured to be as current and accurate as practically possible. Over time, words/specifications/clauses can become outdated, incomplete or even inaccurate. All material presented shall be considered general sustainable procurement information only and shall be taken as examples of what can be done. The information must be reviewed and revised to suit the needs of each public sector entity.


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