The Sustainable Procurement in Manitoba (SPM) Working Group functions under a Terms of Reference with defined roles and responsibilities for its members. The SPM Working Group develops Strategic Plans and Communication Plans to help guide the direction and activities of the Working Group to advance sustainable procurement activities in Manitoba.
The Climate and Green Plan Act and supporting programs and strategies require procurement activities to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and ecological footprint. The Sustainable Procurement Manitoba Working Group has created a 2021-2026 Strategic Plan which outlines activities that will encourage public sector organizations to adopt sustainable procurement practices. The strategic plan outlines goals and results the Working Group is expecting to achieve by 2026.
To view our Strategic Plan, click here.
The SPM Working Group has developed a five year Communication Plan which outlines how the SPM Working Group will support, promote and encourage sustainable procurement in the public sector.
To view our Communication Plan, click here.
The SPM Working Group functions under a Terms of Reference, which is created by its members. The Terms of Reference outlines the scope and defined activities of the Working Group including the following:
To view our Working Group Terms of Reference, click here.
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