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Mopping Systems

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Did you know... The use of microfiber mops can have a 95% reduction in chemical costs associated with mopping tasks. (Environmental Protection Agency, Environmental Best Practices for Health Care Facilities, November 2002).

Minimum Sustainable Recommendations

Request a microfiber mopping system with the following minimum environmental specifications:

  • Mop pads are to be 100% microfiber.
  • Manufacturer warranty to cover the replacement of microfiber pads and equipment, should they breakdown before 500 launderings or before the stipulated lifetime period.
  • Consideration should be given to a manufacturer whose replacement parts (e.g. handles) contain recycled content.
  • Consideration should be given to a manufacturer who includes a program for collecting microfiber pads after they are no longer useable.
  • Consideration should be given to a manufacturer who disposes of used microfiber pads in the most environmental friendly way.

What are the issues?

Conventional loop mops for wet mopping can have serious health implications for employees, patients, and the environment.

In the healthcare sector conventional mopping techniques require cleaning staff to change the water regularly in order to reduce the risk of cross contamination for patients.  As a result, harmful cleaning chemicals and several gallons of water are constantly being disposed of and replenished.


What are the options?

Primarily in the healthcare industry, facilities have moved to a mopping technique involving microfiber materials in the form of rectangular pads. These microfiber pads can be used in wet and dry form, and can be laundered more than 500 times before they are no longer effective.

Microfibers are densely constructed polyester and polyamide (nylon) fibers that are approximately 1/16 the thickness of human hair. The density of the materials enables it to hold six times its weight in water, making it more absorbent than a conventional cotton loop mop.

Also, the positively charged microfibers attract dust (which has a negative charge), and these tiny fibers are able to penetrate the microscopic surface pores of most floors.


Last Updated: November 2013


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