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Large Freight Delivery Services

Navigation: Minimum Sustainable Recommendations | What are the Issues? | What are the Options?

Did you know… Transportation is Manitoba’s largest source of carbon pollution, representing 39% of the province’s total carbon output (Manitoba Climate and Green Plan, 2018).

Minimum Sustainable Recommendations

In support of reducing greenhouse gas emissions and advancing fleet efficiency, request the following specifications when procuring large freight delivery services:

  • Truck carrier must support initiatives to enhance fuel efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions through at least one of the following:
    • Disclose company programs to improve fuel use efficiency through: smart route planning; monitoring and adjusting driver behaviour (e.g. minimize idling etc.); improving vehicle aerodynamics; etc. and/or;
    • Disclose if they are a SmartWay Partner in Canada and/or;
    • Disclose if fleet vehicles are equipped with GPS-based telematics systems and telematics data is used to improve fuel efficiency.
  • The service provider must provide monthly reports containing the following information:
    • Type(s) of vehicles used for the service (make/model/year)
    • Volumes of fuel by vehicle type used for the service.
    • Distance travelled by vehicle type for the service.
  • Provide information on percentage of drivers who have taken Natural Resources Canada’s “SmartDriver ” online training course or a similar course to improve driving habits that enhance fuel efficiency.
  • Truck carrier must provide the fuel efficiency of the fleet category(s) that will be used for the service.
    • If conventional vehicles are used for the delivery service, vehicles must have a fuel economy in the top 30% of their vehicle class as listed under Natural Resource Canada’s “Fuel consumption ratings search tool – conventional vehicles”
  • On April 1, 2019, the carbon tax came into effect in Manitoba. The intent of the carbon tax is to enhance fuel use efficiency and transition to a low carbon economy. Our organization requires transparency and prefers to compensate for carbon based on fuel usage for the service and the current carbon tax rate.
    • On invoices and bills, any charge attributed to the carbon tax must be presented as a separate line item.  The service provider must provide their methodology for calculating the carbon tax surcharge.
  • Both owner-drivers and sub-contractors who undertake freight/delivery services on behalf of the tendering company must adhere to the requirements noted above.

What are the issues?

The fuel consumption associated with delivery services contributes significantly to greenhouse gas emissions. Excessive emissions associated with delivery services can be attributed to poorly maintained vehicles, poor route planning and poor driving habits. In addition, many businesses are looking to measure and reduce the emissions associated with their contracted delivery services. In the past, businesses did not request transportation-related fleet metrics data from delivery service companies to accurately measure their transportation-related emissions. This requirement is becoming the norm as more and more businesses and governments are measuring their greenhouse gas inventories.

What are the options?

Delivery service providers are aware of their environmental impact and have been playing a key role in optimizing fleet efficiency to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and are able to provide efficient delivery services to their clients. Optimizations include investing in smart route planning tools/systems, driver education, scheduled vehicle maintenance, and the use of hybrid/electric vehicles in their fleet. Service providers use fleet metrics data to enhance the efficiency of their fleet. Clients are also requesting and using these fleet metrics to fully account for the emission-related impacts of their business operations. 


Last updated: April 2019

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