There are a variety of inititiatives that have been created in our province to address particular sustainability issues. These initiatives provide direction for sustainable procurement in our province.
There are many factors that contribute to the declining health of our lakes, rivers, and streams. One of the most important issues facing Lake Winnipeg is an overloading of nutrients in the water. The South Basin Mayors and Reeves in cooperation with Manitoba Water Stewardship launched Lake Friendly in June 2009 to raise awareness of the issues and provide solutions to prevent nutrient loading. One of the solutions is making sure Manitobans use products that do not harm waterways.
Lake Friendly supports the purchase and use of Ecologo™ and Green Seal™ cleaning products to reduce the impact cleaning supplies have on the health of all of the province’s waterways. The Provincial Government has made a commitment to purchase Ecologo™ or Green Seal™ cleaning products to support the Lake Friendly Initiative.
Purchasers responsible for buying cleaning supplies or requesting cleaning services should ensure Ecologo™ or Green Seal™ certified cleaning products are specified in purchasing documents and contracts.
The Provincial Government is committed to community economic development as a key component of Manitoba's economic strategy, intended to develop a provincial economy that is more inclusive, equitable, and sustainable. To support this commitment, the Province of Manitoba’s Procurement Services Branch has introduced an Indigenous Procurement Initiative (IPI) to increase the participation of Indigenous businesses in providing goods and services to government.
A set of guidelines have been created to help purchasing professionals in Government Departments increase the participation of Indigenous businesses in providing goods and services; these guidelines are located here.
Buy Social Prairies is an online marketing and collaboration tool for small local businesses who commit to strengthening employment initiatives. Buy Social Prairies focuses on advocacy through Buy Social Canada Program.
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