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About SPM

In 2007, a consortium of public purchasers met to discuss the current initiatives to support sustainable procurement in Manitoba. The discussions identified a need for a web based tool to provide practical knowledge to public purchasers.

A Sustainable Procurement website Working Group was established with representatives from public sector organizations including crown corporations, local governments, school divisions, universities, colleges, health authorities and non-profit organizations.  In January 2008, the Working Group began meeting on a monthly basis to develop the architecture and content of the website. The Working Group functions under a Terms of Reference with support from many provincial public purchasers.

In 2015, the working group created a five year Strategic Plan and Communication Plan to help guide the direction and activities of the Working Group in advancing sustainable procurement activities within the province.

In 2016, the working group made a decision to include accessibility requirements as they pertain to procurement in this website. The Accessibility for Manitobans Act (AMA) and associated Standards provide requirements for identifying and preventing barriers to accessibility in government and business operations. The Working Group has recognized the requirements set out in the AMA, which address human rights, are in line with the principles and guidelines in the provincial Sustainable Development Act.  

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