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Did you know... over 50% of Millennials pay attention to print ads (Quad Graphics, December 2015).
When purchasing printing services, specify the following:
Other things to consider
If design services are also within the scope of the service, request the following:
To minimize greenhouse gas emissions and solid waste production, the vendor should be encouraged to develop sustainable delivery strategies such as:
The Manitoba Climate and Green Plan Act supports reducing environmental and social impacts, as well as enhancing operations through sustainable procurement of goods and services.
In addition to the impacts on forest ecosystems, (as discussed in Copy Paper) paper production, printing and inks also impact the environment.
Historically, inks used in the printing industry were petroleum-based and emit air pollutants such as volatile organic compounds (VOCs) into the air. The pigments in petroleum-based printing inks may also contain heavy metals that may contaminate soil and groundwater.
Similar to Copy Paper, consider the type of paper you are selecting for print jobs. Purchasers should request internationally recognized certifications including Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI) and Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC) to ensure that the pulp originated from sustainably harvested and responsibly managed forests. In order to affix the recognized certifications on to the printed material, the printer must be part of the chain of custody and hold a certificate/license to use the logo on printed materials.
There are a number of Low-VOC ink options available in the printing industry (e.g. UV inks, water-based inks).
Last Updated: February 2019
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