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ITS Product Certification

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Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool (EPEAT) is a system to help purchasers evaluate, compare and select computers, monitors, imaging equipment, TVs and mobile phones based on their environmental attributes. EPEAT evaluates each electronic product based on a number of required and optional criteria. To qualify for registration as an EPEAT product, the product must conform to all the required criteria.

The required criteria includes compliance with the requirements of the European RoHS Directory 2002/95/EC for the restriction of certain hazardous substances such as cadmium, lead, mercury etc., in electronic equipment and must be Energy Star Compliant. EPEAT offers three ratings of products: Bronze, Silver and Gold.

The criteria for EPEAT certied mobile phones includes several requirements to mitigate the impacts of conflict minerals and to support fair labour practices.

For more information, visit


TCO Certified 

TCO Certified logoTCO Certified IT products provide environmental criteria as well as provides focus on social responsibility, helping organizations make sustainable IT choices. From a social responsibility perspective, TCO works to minimize human right issues at the equipment manufacturing stage. TCO certification includes social and conflict-free mineral criteria such as:

  • Implementation of Code of Conduct in supply chain including:
    • ILO Core Conventions
    • UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, article 32
    • Laws for Labor rights, health and safety in the country of manufacture
    • Laws for minimum wage and social security in the country of manufacture
    • Availability of a senior management representative
  • Brand policy and proof of involvement in programs aimed at establishing a conflict-free supply chain of Tantalum, Tin, Tungsten and Gold (3T+G).

For more information, visit



The international ENERGY STAR symbol is a simple way for consumers to identify products that are among the most energy-efficient on the market. Only manufacturers and retailers whose products meet the ENERGY STAR criteria can label their products with this symbol.

ENERGY STAR provides a "Simple Savings Calculator for Purchasers." This online calculator is designed to show volume buyers or procurement officials the direct economic benefits of purchasing energy efficient products. Please try using the calculators when making purchasing decisions.

For more information, click here



ECMA-370 - The Eco Declaration

Specifies environmental attributes and measurement methods for ICT and CE products according to known regulations, standards, guidelines and currently accepted practices. It includes a company environmental profile, and environmental product attributes.  Eco-declarations are often reviewed to determine the carbon footprint of the electronics one is considering purchasing.

For more information, click here.

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