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Did you know… A gasoline-powered city courier vehicle emits about 2.88kg of greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) for every 10km traveled. If a city courier travels 100km per day, the yearly emissions would be as high as 7,488kg of GHGs per vehicle.
Other Things to Consider
Look for courier services that can automatically calculate the GHG emissions associated with each delivery based on distance travelled and the type of vehicle and its fuel economy rating.
The fuel consumption associated with courier services contributes significantly to greenhouse gas emissions. Excessive emissions associated with delivery services can be attributed to the selection of inefficient vehicles for the service, poorly maintained vehicles, poor route planning and poor driving habits.
Delivery service providers are aware of their environmental impact and have been playing a key role in optimizing fuel efficiency to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and are able to provide efficient courier services to their clients. Optimizations include investing in smart route planning tools/systems, driver education, scheduled vehicle maintenance, and the use of hybrid/electric vehicles. Service providers use vehicle metrics data to enhance the efficiency of their fleet. Clients are also requesting and using these fleet metrics to fully account for the emission-related impacts of their business operations.
Last updated: May 2019
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