Developing collaborative purchasing approaches amongst national, regional, local and Indigenous governments as well as with Crown corporations, school divisions, health authorities etc., can be an important cornerstone to collectively achieve a number of policy and legislative requirements including accessibility, safety and health, as well as shrinking the carbon footprint associated with government spending.
Collaborative purchasing can enhance your scope of influence with suppliers and users as well as increase opportunities to request improvement of the product, service or design to reduce both cost and carbon emissions. Collaborative purchasing can also collectively create greater carbon reduction benefits than any single entity procuring alone.
As a purchaser, prior to entering a collaborative buy, it is important to understand and review the low-carbon and sustainable specifications for the goods being offered to determine if the low-carbon solution is beneficial and applicable within your regional situation.
To learn more on how to request for low-carbon and sustainable specifications in tender documents, visit the Purchasing Low-Carbon Goods and Services page.
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