The government has developed a number of policies to support sustainable development and responsible procurement decisions.
Below is a list of policies that are to be considered when purchasing goods and services:
In April 2007, the Province of Manitoba announced a new policy to create a significant improvement in how new and renovated Government of Manitoba funded buildings perform over their entire life cycle from an environmental, energy and economic perspective. The Policy encompasses all provincial departments, crown corporations, and agencies as well as other entities whose projects, of a certain size, receive provincial funding. The general purpose of this policy is to apply green building principles to all provincially funded buildings.
For more information, click here.
The Province of Manitoba’s Procurement Services Branch has developed a policy for the purchase of clothing from responsible manufacturers. The Policy promotes awareness and helps to educate the vendor and subcontractor community about Manitoba's interest in dealing with vendors that supply clothing at competitive prices without engaging in exploitive labour practices. The goal of the new policy is to purchase clothing that has been manufactured in a responsible way, namely manufactured in compliance with local laws set out by the country of origin and a set of minimum labour standards (e.g., International Labour Organization). The policy supports the principles laid out in the Sustainable Development Act, ensuring that local decision-making is consistent with global environmental, economic and social responsibilities.
For more information, click here.
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