There are several options for paper and wood product certifications. Included below is information on the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI), and the Canadian Standards Association (CSA). In order to properly choose between the three options out there, purchasers are advised to ensure that whatever act, policy, guideline, or requirement is being followed is adhered to since each of these vehicles may specify which of the options are required.
Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) is an international non-profit membership-based organization that brings people together to find solutions to the problems created by bad forestry practices and to reward good forest management.
Under FSC certification, forestry companies are independently audited to meet the FSC's strict forest management standards. In an unbroken chain of commitment from forest to consumer, the FSC label carries the promise that a product comes from a forest-friendly source.
FSC-certified papers contain FSC-certified wood fibre from well-managed forests, post-consumer recycled content, or a combination of FSC-certified wood fibre, recycled content and other controlled forest friendly sources. All wood products that are FSC-certified contain wood from FSC-certified forests, controlled sources, or material that is 100% post-consumer reclaimed or recycled.
To display the FSC logo on letterhead, envelopes etc, it must be printed by a printer or a print broker that has an FSC chain of custody certification and be on FSC-certified paper. The following website provides a list of FSC product manufacturers/brands of paper and wood products and a list of certified printers by province.
For more information, visit
The Sustainable Forestry Initiative® (SFI®) label is a sign you are buying wood and paper products from well-managed forests, backed by a rigorous, third-party certification audit.
For more information, visit
The Canadian Standards Association (CSA) worked with a diverse range of stakeholders interested in sustainable forest management to develop Canada's National Standard for Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) CAN/CSA-Z809.
Forests certified to the CSA SFM Standard provide independent 3rd party assurance of meeting a strict set of biological, environmental and social criteria. Recognizing that 95% of Canada’s forests are publicly owned, the CSA certification demands active public involvement by local residents. From coast to coast, approximately 40 public advisory groups are involved in frequent discussion each and every year with forest managers to continuously improve their performance.
Both the CAN/CSA Z809 and Z804 SFM Standards are endorsed by the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC), the worlds largest forest certification organization. PEFC recognizes national or regional certification standards that meet rigorous assessment requirements based on international criteria and indicators.
For more information, visit
When released into soil and water, chlorine can be harmful to wildlife and humans. The Chlorine Free Products Association, an independent not-for-profit accreditation and standard setting organization, certifies and promotes paper products where chlorine was not used in the manufacturing process. The Processed Chlorine Free (PCF) eco-label ensures no chlorine was used when paper products were processed at the pulp and paper mill. When looking for paper products, be sure to look for the PCF label. For more information go to:
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