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What's New?

We've been updating the Goods & Services section!

We've added and updated information in the Goods & Services section! This section outlines minimum sustainable specifications to place in tender documents for a variety of goods and services. In light of The Accessibility for Manitobans Act, recommended sustainable specifications now also include accessibility criteria. Check out the following pages below:



What you are doing matters...

Over the past two decades, procurement professionals have been requesting third party environmental labels in bid documents to address key environmental and social issues along the supply chain for a number of different commodities. We have been requesting Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certified paper and Fairtrade certified when buying coffee, tea and cocoa to name a few. We believe the standards behind the label help to reduce pollution, protect our water resources, provide fair work practices, reduce biodiversity losses, and among other benefits. So....are our efforts working? The answer is yes.

The Accessibility for Manitobans Act: How it Advances Sustainable Procurement

Public sectors throughout the world spend billions on goods and services. For well over a decade now, public authorities including us Manitobans have been practicing sustainable procurement and using our spending power to achieve wider global and community benefits: social, environmental and economic.

For many of us, the social criteria we often select to evaluate a product or service has been “the ethical supply chain” and the requisite to purchase items meeting core labour standards and fair working conditions.  The Accessibility for Manitobans Act (AMA) helps to expand our definition of social. It embraces the protection of human diversity and the need to incorporate accessibility considerations when procuring goods, services or facilities.

Letter of Support from the Manitoba Government

In August 2016, the Minister of Sustainable Development provided a letter to support the ongoing efforts and activities of the SPM Working Group.

Click here to view the letter.

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Need a Quick Guide for Sustainable Purchasing?

SPM developed a "quick guide" for purchasing sustainable goods and services. Click here to check it out!


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