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Acts & Regulations

Manitoba's laws and publications can be viewed online free of charge at . All acts and regulations referenced on this website are linked to the online version of the laws of Manitoba, are not an official version, and have been generated for convenience only.

Official versions of the laws of Manitoba are available from the Queens Printer (Statutory Publications) who distributes and sells copies of acts or regulations which can be ordered on request at

Below is a list of acts & regulations that guide sustainable procurement decisions:

The Climate and Green Plan Act

On November 8, 2018, The Climate and Green Plan Act came into effect. As a result of this new legislation, The Sustainable Development Act and The Climate Change and Emissions Reductions Act have been repealed. This new Act continues to define sustainable development as “development that meets the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs” and states one area of focus as “reducing greenhouse gas emissions and improving sustainable operations through sustainable procurement of goods and services.”  In addition to government departments and agencies, regulation or guidance will further define the requirements for government entities under the Act. It is anticipated the entities will include those from the MASH Sector (municipalities, universities, colleges, schools and hospitals) as well as Crown Corporations etc.

The Act outlines procurement as an area of focus, recognizing the role government procurement plays in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. By using our combined purchasing power to purchase sustainable goods and services, we are enlarging the market for low carbon and sustainable products thereby reducing supply chain emissions and stimulating more suppliers to invest in sustainability.  

For more information on The Climate and Green Plan Act, click here


The Efficiency Manitoba Act

The Efficiency Manitoba Act has a mandate to implement and support demand-side management initiatives to meet savings targets and achieve reductions in greenhouse gas emissions in Manitoba.  The Act currently defines a framework for reducing overall electricity and natural gas consumption within the province. Efficiency Manitoba, the provincial Crown Corporation responsible for administering Act requirements, has defined the following targets:

  • Within 15 years from the commencement date, achieve a 22.5% reduction in electrical energy consumption (1.75% per year) and 11.5% reduction in natural gas consumption (0.75% per year).

In keeping with this Act, government and businesses are encouraged to purchase energy efficient equipment and increase the use of renewable energy sources to reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.

For more information on The Efficiency Manitoba Act, visit their website or view the Act.


Water Protection Act

In January 2009 the Province, under the Water Protection Act, placed a restriction on phosphorus use on lawns/turf in urban environments as well as restrictions on dishwashing detergents and other products.  While the restriction is primarily for the residential  community, those with responsibilities under The Climate and Green Plan Act should ensure the restrictions are adhered to at their facilities.  Purchasing documents for landscape services and janitorial services should include the restrictions outlined in this act.

For more information on the Water Protection Act, click here.


Waste Reduction and Prevention Act

The purpose of this Act is to reduce and prevent the production and disposal of waste in the province consistent with the principles of sustainable development and to this end to:

a) encourage consumers, manufacturers, distributors, retailers, governments, government agencies and other persons to develop and adopt practices and programs for the reduction and prevention of waste;

b) enhance public awareness of the detrimental effect of waste on the environment and the natural resources of the province

c) ensure the use of resources and the environment today meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

The Act specifies that governments, government agencies and all members of society are responsible for reducing and preventing waste.

The waste minimization strategies put forward in the legislation are supported by purchasers with activities like minimizing the packaging associated with goods purchased, purchasing items with a high post consumer waste (PCW) content, purchasing durable and non disposable items  and supporting enhancing recycling services for paper, mixed containers, aluminium cans, light bulbs, electronics, etc.

For more information Waste Reduction and Prevention Act, click here.


The Government Purchases Act: Government Purchases Regulation - Responsible Manufacturers Requirements

In April 2007, the Province of Manitoba’s Procurement Services Branch developed a Responsible Manufacturers policy for the purchase of clothing from responsible manufacturers.   The Policy promotes awareness and helps to educate the vendor and subcontractor community about Manitoba's interest in dealing with vendors that supply clothing at competitive prices without engaging in exploitive labour practices.

In March 2009, The Government Purchases Act and Government Purchases Regulation came into effect. The Act and the Regulation governs and further supports the purchase of clothing from responsible manufacturers. Under the Regulation, organizations bidding to supply clothing to government entities must establish that the manufacturing of clothing must meet minimum fair labour practices stated under Section 3.

For more information on:

  • The Government Purchases Act: Government Purchases Regulation - Responsible Manufacturers Requirements, click here.
  • The Government Purchases Act, click here.
  • PSB’s Responsible Manufacturers - Clothing Policy (updated in January 2013), click here.


The Accessibility for Manitobans Act

In December 2013, the Accessibility for Manitobans Act (AMA) was passed into legislation. The Act outlines processes to identify, remove and prevent barriers to accessibility. The AMA focuses on creating Accessibility Standards for five key areas: Customer Service; Employment Accessibility; Information and Communications; Built Environment; and Transportation.

Each Accessibility Standard will outline specific requirements and timelines for organizations that have a responsibility to eliminate barriers. The AMA applies to all organizations and businesses in Manitoba (both public and private) and must comply with each Accessibility Standard as it becomes law.

  • In November 2015, the Customer Service Accessibility Standard became law in Manitoba. To view the Customer Service Accessibility Standard and its timelines, click here.
  • In May 2019, the Accessibility Standard for Employment became law in Manitoba. To view the Accessibility Standard for Employment and its timelines, click here.
  • Other Accessibility Standards (Information and Communications, Built Environment, and Transportation) are currently being developed by the Province of Manitoba.

For more information on the AMA and the Accessibility Standards under the AMA, go to:

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